Brian Guzman

Brian wrote the book on being the Considerate Trainer. He’s tough, a community builder and goes the extra mile (or triathalon) with trainees.

Brian discusses how a close client brought him to train and coach her for iron man races. He also describes the ups and downs of training for a triathlon, then competing in 4 or 5 western states competitions in the past year. Bikes, swims and marathons oh my!

By paying close attention to details in training, you become a successful triathlete. Like, the transitions between swimming and biking, biking and running. These are challenges you don’t think about. But you need to add those details to the training regimen to get ready for the race. Ocean swimming!

She values Brian as a long term coach, workout partner and flies him into the competitions and bought Brian a bike for training and 5 Iron Mans over the past couple years.

Although not a seasoned Iron Man professional. As a fitness trainer and family man — Brian doesn’t rank on the first tier of triathletes. He is “just” an all around professional athlete and coach. Mini triathlons, sprint triathlons and ocean swims lend an exciting and challenging backdrop to life as a personal trainer.

Working with a couple dozen clients focused on weight loss, but also adventure. Brian works to keep his clients in discovery mode. No two workouts are ever the same. He creates a client community. They occasionally meet together for 10K walks; the group functions as a team, a family with professional ties, a club of friends.

Keep on enjoying, focusing. Brian embodies the personal. An expert listener who also runs bootcamps, circuit training, spinning and more with his clients. Taking his clients goals seriously making you stronger, healthier and look better. Are you there for the conversation? or there for the weight loss? Brian is there to listen and grow.

Expect a deep dive orientation – is it cosmetic? training goals you are after? Things come out later, things change over time in your training. Achieve goals – then move on to the next. You will get a survey every 6 months about Brian’s performance.

Brian tells a story about a laser focused client who lost 60 lbs in four months. Accomplishment in 6 months, but Brian has a long term perspective. Going full cycle in the conversation to his 12 year success story with a client who initiated the Iron Man race into their training and competition schedule.