Propel the Future to Space Industry

Xiden Pathfinders – A Space Freight System Building the Foundations for 5,000 to 50,000 People Working in Space.

Fulfilling the future of off planet industry by building the supply chain and freight system for space industry.

With environmentally friendly non rocket propulsion to launch and to propel 1000's of tons of freight from earth all the way to deep space.

We are a Group of Researchers

Based in Israel, and Judea Sameria

Phase 1:  To build a high acceleration freight transportation system that launches cargo into the upper atmosphere.


Phase 2:  A unique booster system to take the freight from the upper atmosphere into low earth orbit and trans lunar injection.


Using Licensable Technology.  Our aim is not to reinvent the rocket. But to use proven technology that's accessible and apply it to heavy duty FREIGHT ONLY space requirements.



Professional Staff

Behind word mountains the from countries Vokalia and Consonantia live blind texts.

Medical & Surgical

Behind word mountains the from countries Vokalia and Consonantia live blind texts.

Emergency Service

Behind word mountains the from countries Vokalia and Consonantia live blind texts.

About us

Hospital doctor exam patient that they can diagnose

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia & Consonantia there live the blind texts. Separated they live arts Bookmark grove right at the coast without compromising our we do in the world of finance.

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Our Services

The hospital plays a statewide services includes the Acquired

General Medical

College was established in vision by group of dedicated people to provide made medical education

Family Physician

Provide made medical education College was established in vision by group of dedicated people to

Eye Surgery

Vision by group College was established in of dedicated people to provide made medical education

Intensive care

People to provide made medical education College was established in vision by group of dedicated

Lab Tests

Dedicated education College was established in vision by group of people to provide made medical

Emergency Care

Established in vision by group of dedicated people to provide College was made medical education

Meet Our Teams

The hospital plays a statewide services includes the Acquired

Harrison Hudson

Plastic Surgeon

Kirstin Hagen

Plastic Surgeon

Laurel Clark

Cosmetic Surgeon

Hakim Heck

Plastic Surgeon

Our Speciality Clinic

International Medical College Hospital a bed multispecialty tertiary care referral hospital with Outpatient and Inpatient services. It has world-class treatment

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Recent News

The hospital plays a statewide services includes the Acquired